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Recent Financial Topics


Serica Energy is one of Britain's top ten oil and gas producers. Its new projects include the Buchan redevelopment 120 miles northeast of Aberdeen.

Windfall tax is driving UK oil and gas producers to Norway, says MAGGIE PAGANO
24/04/2024 05:10 PM

Serica chairman David Latin accused politicians of a 'race to the bottom' to extract money in the short-term despite it causing long-term damage.

Tory windfall tax war 'is killing off North Sea oil'... and Serica chief also blasts Labour plan
24/04/2024 05:01 PM

Boeing forked out £3.1bn in the first three months of the year as it fought for survival after a panel blew off the side of a 737 Max during a flight in January.

Boeing burns through £1bn a month to contain 737 safety crisis
24/04/2024 05:01 PM