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National Lottery Random Number Generator.


Click here to launch the generator

Can't Decide what numbers to use on this week's lottery ticket? Use this tool to generate rows of random numbers.

Sick of using your 'lucky numbers' and never winning a bean on the lottery ?
Paranoid that if you don't use your special numbers, one day they are going to come up, and you'll miss out your rightful fortune?
Well, as the lottery is a game of pure chance and randomness, the chances of your numbers winning are as good as any other set of numbers - but as you may notice, week after week, it always seems to be another set of numbers.
If you wish to search for patterns, try our lottery analyser / prediction tool that search for common patterns against historical results
One potential solution is to:
  • Use your special numbers, if it reduces the 'paranoia' factor.
  • Use an additional line or two of randomly generated numbers each week.
Use this tool to generate random sets of numbers.
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT contact us if you DO NOT win the lottery using these numbers...........

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